Stop Food Wastage

Each and everyone of us has wasted food at one point in time but not all of us took the time to think of what a loss that was.. 

“I would like to reasure those in the world who are dying of hunger;here we eat for you” this ironic statement came from French Coluche in 1986. Several decades down the line this quation really needs to updated as the situation has become even worse as a large number of individuals throughout the continent eat in massive quantities and on top of that waste an incredible amount of food. 

Food wasting has become one of the most commonly practiced “hobby” throughout the entire continent. Foods can be wasted in various ways most of which include; 

1. Left-overs: this is ussually too much food which has been prepared or put on the plate(remains of excess food)

2. Partially used food

3. Food gone off: smelt bad, lookee bad, tasted bad e.t. c (this food had a chance but was managed badly) among many others. 

While we are busy wasting 30%of the available food,  each year a billion people(or one out of every eight people on earth) suffer from hunger and starvation. 

The human species mostly affected by hunger are the children. Just as Franklin Rossevelt once argued that “the fist human right is freedom from hunger” and several children happens to be a slave to it. 

A child can only hope to have access to education and freedoms that the society recognises only if he/she has their right to life and good health guaranteed. 

While it is definately the duty of the goverment to curb food wastage we also have the moral obligation to understand the true value of a descent meal and to act responsibly. 

So before you throw that food that you have left on your plate just because you are full or have had enough just pause for a while and remember that a child out there hasnt had anything to eat. 

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